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As anyone who has worked in legal knows, mass torts cases can be a big source of revenue. But they also require a lot of work. So how do you go about mass torts case acquisition with little effort and burnout?

That’s where this guide comes in. We’ll walk you through the steps to streamline your mass tort case acquisition process so that you can find more cases and get them faster.

Let’s dive into legal leads and the mass torts case acquisition process. 

1. Have a Strategy Before You Start

Before you start, be sure to think about your goals. Sure, you’re working on a mass torts case and want to find a way to streamline the process. But what does that mean for your company? What are the biggest pain points for you and your team?

Do you want to be able to close cases in less than six months instead of one year? Do you need more resources or people on staff to meet those goals? Defining these key objectives before starting any work will ensure that everything else falls into place.

Don’t worry about other people’s goals—it’s not about them! You may have heard that “if only everyone could get along with each other” or “if only everyone had their priorities straight…”

Well, guess what: we don’t live in a perfect world where everyone gets along all the time or has their priorities straight all of the time…and yet here we are (still) trying our hardest every day at work even though there are no guarantees! So don’t let anyone else’s expectations hold back how far YOU can go; define YOUR goals first and then let them guide each decision after that!

2. Create a Sustainable Internal Process

For the process to be sustainable, it should be repeatable, scalable, and able to be used on any mass torts case. Here are some examples:

Repeatable Processes 

If you need to send out one email, then create a template for it. If you need to do something in Photoshop, create an action for it (these are like macros). That way when you want to do that again, just hit play instead of doing everything from scratch.

Scalable Processes

The more complicated something is or the more people are involved in creating something means there’s room for errors and mistakes that could lead to hours lost and unnecessarily trying to fix them. The simpler your processes are from start to finish and the fewer people involved in the process mean fewer errors—and therefore less time wasted fixing them later down the line!

Sustainable: Make sure whatever process or workflow charting tool you use allows for easy updating if changes need to be made such as adding new employees or changing tasks/responsibilities within an existing employee’s job description.

3. Use Data To Evaluate the True Value of Cases

Once you’ve collected and organized all the relevant data, it’s time to start putting it to good use. The next step is evaluating the true value of your cases. Take a look at some common ways people do this:

  • Total number of claimants

  • Number of claimants who can prove causation

  • The average payout per successful claimant (if you have access to that data)

This will help you get a sense of how much money is at stake with each lawsuit and whether or not your company should invest in more research and investigation before pursuing these mass torts cases.

4. Create an Intake Checklist

Create an intake checklist for each step in the intake process. The checklist should be reviewed by intake team members and management, and it should be a living document that is updated regularly.

The checklist should serve as a training tool for new hires, and if you have one person who handles all of the steps, s/he should use it to make sure they are performing everything correctly.

5. Develop a Training Program for Intake Professionals

What is an intake professional? An intake professional is a person who handles all initial contact with the legal client. This includes answering the phone, screening calls, and providing information about the firm to potential clients.

What does an intake professional do? The primary role of an intake professional is to “screen” potential clients. This involves asking questions about the nature of their case and determining if it would be a good fit for your firm.

If they determine that you should handle this case, they will schedule time with you so that you can have a more in-depth conversation with them about their claim.

Training Team Members

How do you train your team members who are assigned as intakes? There are two ways. One way is to use formalized training materials from a library.

These materials walk agents through how best practices need to be implemented at each stage for them to succeed within our workflow system—and without sacrificing quality control over incoming cases!

For example, one section covers what happens when there’s no response after three tries (i.e., which channels should be tried next) while another describes how best practices ensure both agents and attorneys get what they need from each call. 

6. Use Automation Tools Where Possible and Appropriate

Automating key steps in your mass torts case acquisition process can help you reduce costs, improve efficiency and keep up with the demands of a high-volume practice. 

An automated system will also require less time and energy to implement, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. One example of this is using keyword research to establish what is hot in legal tort marketing.

7. Modify Your Intake Process to Suit Different Sources of Leads

You’ll want to modify your intake process to suit the different sources of leads. The following list is a good place to start:

  • Social media

  • Direct marketing

  • Online advertising (including banner ads, affiliate programs, and online directories)

  • Newsletters/e-mail campaigns/news releases/blog posts

Trial each one by spending one week focusing on each method. Decide which method is generating the most and best leads and then focus on this.

8. Make Your Intake Team’s Job Easier With Good Client Care

You need to keep in mind that your intake team is also working with many clients. If you make their job easier, they can process your case faster and get it in front of the lawyer handling your case. As a result, you will see more progress on your case overall.

The best way to do this is by following up with the firm and providing them with any new information about what’s been going on since their last conversation. For example, if you have received more medical bills or have had complications from an injury that might affect how much money you deserve as part of a settlement or verdict (such as problems with mobility), tell them right away so they can include this information when calculating an award amount. 

Understanding Mass Torts Case Acquisition

We hope that this guide has helped you understand how to streamline your mass torts case acquisition process. The key is to use the right tools and have a strategy that works for your organization and its specific needs.

The more streamlined your mass torts case acquisition process, the more potential you have for cases and profits.

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